Terug naar overzicht Online casinos praise fast onboarding Online casinos that work with the latest version of VerifyMe all praise the fast onboarding process and the high percentage of players who can complete the registration in one go. Bet Nation, Tombola, Seven Eleven and Bingoal, as well as larger platforms like Oryx and Finnplay, have …
Category Archives: News
‘2022 was a roller coaster’
Terug naar overzicht ‘2022 was a roller coaster’ “A roller coaster” is how Martijn de Boer of CDDN describes the past year. “Sometimes I can’t believe that the market for online gambling has been open for only a year. When you look at what we have all achieved, it seems like five years.” De Boer …
CDDN’s online gambling clients protected from fraud
Terug naar overzicht CDDN’s online gambling clients protected from fraud Last week there appeared on casinonieuws.nl’s website the disturbing report that minors could make payments – and could therefore bet – on the websites of legal online gambling companies. With four out of the ten parties investigated, players could in some cases make payments from …
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Bingoal checks online players’ data with CDDN’s scan software
Terug naar overzicht Bingoal checks online players’ data with CDDN’s scan software Online gambling has been permitted in the Netherlands since 1 October 2021. 12 companies have been registered in the Dutch online betting market. One of these is the Belgian Bingoal that began early with its preparations for making the logging in of their …
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CDDN now also provides ongoing monitoring of registered online players
Terug naar overzicht CDDN now also provides ongoing monitoring of registered online players Almost a year ago, the KOA (Kansspelen op afstand, Remote Gambling Act) came into force and online gambling was allowed in the Netherlands from 1 October this year. Since then 15 companieshave obtained a licence and a majority of all the applicants …
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More than half of all the online gambling companies work with CDDN’s eKYC services
Terug naar overzicht More than half of all the online gambling companies work with CDDN’s eKYC services In April 2021, the Act on Remote Gambling (Kansspelen op afstand – KOA) came into force and online gambling was allowed from 1 October this year. Since then, 11 online gambling companieshave been licensed for the Dutch market. …
How do you quickly and reliably check someone’s identity?
Terug naar overzicht How do you quickly and reliably check someone’s identity? Online identification is booming. This is caused by the enormous growth of online shopping, the greater awareness of consumers in the area of privacy and the increasingly strict legislation. For companies, it is also important to know as accurately as possible with whom …
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Clean up your customer database with a deduplication tool
Terug naar overzicht Clean up your customer database with a deduplication tool For many companies and organisations, customer files are becoming ever broader in their scope. This is a good thing, as it enables you to serve those customers even better. But as the amount of data increases, the chance of duplicate data also increases. …
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Android apps share data with Facebook without permission, but who does the responsibility lie with?
Terug naar overzicht The privacy organisation Privacy International looked in to the matter and found that “at least” 20 of the 34 Android apps which were examined shared data with Facebook without having the correct permission to do so. Apps such as Kayak, MyFitnessPal, Skyscanner and TripAdvisor. What does Facebook have to say about this? Their …
Is data our new commodity?
Terug naar overzicht A little while back I read an article from Menno Middeldorp (the Netherlands ‘chief economist and researcher at Rabobank) in which he finishes with: according to him we are in a transitioning period. He compares it to the industrial revolution. “Data will become our new commodity”. Good news for Mr. Middeldorp: there …