'In 2023, twice as many casinos will join us'

“We are going to take big steps in 2023”, says Martijn de Boer of CDDN. “There are quite a few new online casinos that will use our services. I expect that twice as many casinos will join us next year. These include some great names, such as Fairplay Casino and Kansino, which fall under the international iGaming platform Finnplay. Because Finnplay already chose our eKYC solution VerifyMe last fall and is very satisfied, they also sent FairPlay our way.”

De Boer attributes the sudden renewed interest in CDDN from the online casino world to the good reputation that the company from Nieuw-Vennep has built up over the past year since the opening of the Dutch online casino market. “Some of the interested parties initially came up with their own solution for onboarding and registration. However, they see that 70 percent of all online casinos are now our customers and that we can provide customised solutions for everyone. In addition, there are a number of legal parties that refer to CDDN for compliance with strict laws and regulations.”

Responsible gaming

De Boer knows that CDDN provides casinos with VerifyMe tools to refine their responsible gaming policy. “For example, players must also meet the strict legal requirements in the months after the first registration and approval. CDDN ensures that the data registration of its customers in the online gambling market is always kept up-to-date. Existing data is regularly validated for ‘PEP’, ‘moved’, ‘insolvent’ and ‘deceased’. Of course, a player may also have been included in the Central Register of Exclusions from Games of Chance (Cruks) in the meantime. If a potential customer is included in that register, they are no longer allowed to play. CDDN regularly and fully automatically checks whether player data has changed.”

CDDN thereby ensures that every customer database remains complete and up-to-date – entirely in accordance with the guidelines of the Remote Gambling Act (KOA) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

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