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Data process optimisation

Aside from optimising your client data, we also help you optimise your data processes. We deliver solutions that ensure your client data is collected, processed and monitored in a better way. By using this method, you prevent unnecessary errors caused by input mistakes and incorrect entries, among other things. Your company cannot fall behind where strong data management is concerned, especially considering the new legal obligations concerning privacy and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR – duty of care regarding the storage of sensitive data).

Consumers are currently gaining stronger and broader privacy rights, while organisations are acquiring more responsibilities. Additionally, people have the right to review their personal data. Your company is then obligated to provide a review in a clear and comprehensible manner. According to research, 82% of European consumers are expected to use this right to review. You can read what this means for your company here.

How does it work?

First, we have a discussion with you. Together, we evaluate if your data processes are properly arranged and protected: which client data do you save? Which do you discard? And what do you do with that information? After this conversation, we offer our advice. We always base our advice on our knowledge and experience. Afterwards, we can – for example – consider building a marketing database tailored to provide the best return for your company. Our goal in optimising your data processes? To ensure your client database requires as little manual interference as possible. This will minimise the margin for error.

Would you like to get better acquainted with us and discuss the possibilities? Do not hesitate to get in touch.

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