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Target group selection

Aside from making your client database complete and more current, we also help you obtain new prospects that are more relevant to your company. Once you select your target groups, you will receive an address list that completely meets your requirements. Within this framework, numerous characteristics are possible:

  • Postcode area and place of residence
  • Sex, age, and civil status
  • Phase of life, children in the household
  • Deaths at the address
  • Income
  • Charity donators
  • Interests (for example, interior decoration, perfume and cosmetics, technology, etc.)
  • Living situation: homeowner, renter, with or without garden, energy label and home value.

What are the advantages for you?

  • New addresses that perfectly meet the requirements of your target group profile.
  • A greater chance of sales: a randomly sent message does not provide a lot of return.
  • Higher data quality through a larger, more complete and more relevant client database.
  • Experiment with various offers, prices and more.

How does target group selection work?

First, think about what you want to achieve with target group selection? Do you want to sell a service or a product? And who would find this service or product really interesting? Describe your target group as clearly as possible – think about sex, age, income, etc. After receiving and discussing this description, we deliver an address list that completely aligns with your target group. This way, you receive a more relevant list of potential clients.

It is also possible to receive so-called look-a-like target groups. We check which characteristics your current client database meets and create a list based on similar profiles.

Would you like to receive an obligation-free quote? No problem, simply get in touch with us. No problem, simply get in touch with us.

Collect data independently

It is also possible to use target group selection independently. By using target group selection, you can collect up-to-date client data at any given moment. This tool is available 24/7 and is managed by you. By using the tool, you can order the desired data in minimal time and you are no longer dependent on working days or hours. Are you about to release a big marketing campaign that applies to a specific target group in a certain residential area? Simply follow the steps for target group selection, collect the records and get the maximum return from your marketing activities. Experience the convenience for yourself today!

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