
‘The best modular ecosystem for online customer registration and monitoring’

People are buying more and more products and services online. As a result, it is becoming increasingly important for providers of e.g. insurances, telecom services and online gambling to verify their customers’ identity and solvency. Is a customer truly who they claim to be? Are they even allowed to buy the product or service in question? Can they actually pay for it?

VerifyMe – our ecosystem for the online registration and monitoring of (new) customers – gives you the answers to these questions. VerifyMe’s seamless registration process consists of a comprehensive range of services, including email verification, address information, iDIN NAW check, IBAN name check, ID check and various (background) checks, including PEP, insolvency, Cruks (Central Exclusion Register for Games of Chance), guardianship, whitewashing, terrorism, relocation and deaths. It is also possible to incorporate sector-specific services and checks in the registration process or leave them out.

Customers can register quickly, often within two minutes.

A lower drop-out rate thanks to the seamless and intuitive registration process.

Dedicated dashboard with detailed management information.

Monitor the registration process in real time and contact your customers directly.

Ongoing monitoring: your customer information is always up to date and you are compliant with the statutory check of PEP and sanctions lists.

Our cheap and fast NATEGIS check will eliminate the need for a costlier iDIN check in up to 90% of registration cases.

Your data are stored securely, separately and on your own server, if you wish: your data are never shared with any third parties!

Compliance with Dutch laws and regulations.

Our cheap and fast NATEGIS check makes VerifyMe unique. It allows you to skip the more expensive iDIN check by the bank in up to 90% of registration cases.

Via a dashboard, you receive a continuous stream of detailed management information and can monitor your customers’ registration process in real time. If a player encounters an issue, you can contact them directly to guide them through the registration process.

VerifyMe is also available as a white-label solution and can be fully customised to suit your desired look and feel (your own logo, colours and corporate style). It goes without saying that your data are not shared with anyone. Each provider’s data are stored strictly separate from other providers’ data. You can even have your own dedicated server, if you wish. The registration process is custom-made. You decide what services and checks you want to add to or leave out of your registration process.

You decide what you want to include in your registration process:

In most cases, the registration process will begin with a verification of the customer’s email address. We ask your customer to enter their email address. They will then receive a verification code via email.

Next, your customer has to enter their postcode and house number. VerifyMe will then instantly retrieve and complete the remaining address information.

VerifyMe can read identification documents such as a passport, ID card or driving licence. In 98% of cases, a customer’s ID document is read successfully at the first attempt. Using OCR technology, the scanned information is converted into text, after which the customer can make any necessary changes by hand. If your customer has a computer or laptop without a camera, they can easily scan their ID document with a smartphone instead. During this process, their citizen service number (BSN) and photo are automatically blurred.

Our cheap and fast NATEGIS check makes VerifyMe unique. This check is performed for virtually all Dutch people aged 18 or older. It means that the more expensive iDIN check by the banks can be skipped in up to 90% of registration cases. Since this check is performed entirely in the background, it does not inconvenience your customer at all. If the NATEGIS check is successful, the iDIN check can be skipped; if not, the iDIN check will still be performed.

With the iDIN NAW check, a customer’s name and address information are checked via their bank. This is only necessary if the NATEGIS check failed With our advanced technology, it is possible to skip the iDIN check in up to 90% of registration cases. This leads to significant cost savings for you.

To minimise the risk of fraud and mistakes made by your customer, we can perform an IBAN name check. This is done to prevent unintended transfers to wrong or fraudulent beneficiaries.

And that’s not all. VerifyMe also offers checks for e.g. PEP, sanctions lists, insolvency, guardianship, relocation and deaths. Many of these checks are performed in the background without inconveniencing your customer in any way. You can also include sector-specific services and checks in your registration process, such as Cruks.

Connection lost? Not a problem!

VerifyMe will remember exactly what steps of the registration process a customer has already completed. If a customer closes their browser window or loses their internet connection at any point during the registration process, they can simply pick up where they left off.

Another step – which, although not legally required, represents a crucial aspect of your due diligence – is the automatic insolvency check built into VerifyMe. To date, this has enabled us to filter tens of thousands of people from the databases and save them from making purchases they actually cannot afford.

Ongoing Monitoring
VerifyMe monitors and updates your customer data. We continuously check the validity of ID documents and monitor changes in PEP status, sanctions lists, insolvency and address information. We will also notify you if a customer passes away.

Laws and regulations
Last but not least: VerifyMe ensures you are fully compliant with Dutch laws and regulations.

Would you like to know more?
Contact Martijn de Boer by calling +31 (0) 88 8357000 or fill out the form below.

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