More and more consumers take out insurance policies or file insurance claims online. In such cases, it is even more important to be absolutely certain that a customer actually is whom they claim to be and have a way to quickly verify whether the information they entered online is correct. These checks and verifications can easily be performed with the data services that CDDN has specially developed for insurance companies, such as VerifyMe.
That is why CDDN developed VerifyMe, an eKYC module that insurance companies can easily implement and which offers a secure way to quickly check and verify relevant customer data. It is also possible to quickly determine whether customers have moved or passed away.
In many cases, CDDN is also able to check – within the boundaries of applicable privacy laws and regulations – such information as family composition, residential environment, type of residence, energy label, date of construction and property value when a consumer takes out an insurance policy online.
One of the most important things an insurance company wants to know of their customers is whether they are actually able to meet their financial obligations. This is made possible with an insolvency check.
There are several public sources that record data concerning bankruptcies, suspensions of payment and debt restructuring for private persons which may be found in the local registers of various courts. . With this information, CDDN clients can check whether the company they want to do business with has gone bankrupt or whether a customer is the subject of legal debt restructuring.
The real-time insolvency check has been fully automated and can be implemented as a separate module. The check is also available as an expansion of the Know Your Customer (eKYC) package for optimal online customer identification. Furthermore, the check forms part of CDDN’s Consumer Basic Administration for the continuous validation of customer data. CBA community members are immediately notified whenever there is a change in their customers’ data. This may also concern an address change or a notice of death, for example.
Behind the scenes, CDDN staff are standing by 24/7 to answer any questions regarding customer data and databases as well as to help insurance companies keep their own customer data in order and fully compliant with the latest privacy legislation. Our extensive experience with other sectors where the Financial Supervision Act (Wft) and the GDPR play a major role, such as (online) gambling providers, banks and media, ensures we can quickly and expertly provide a solution to any challenge.
Would you like to know more about VerifyMe for insurance companies? Download our dedicated product paper.
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2152 CT, Nieuw-Vennep
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